(Disclosure. I spoke at some of the public hearings, offering comments critical of the Environmental Impact Report and the proposals to demolish the two branch libraries. I am not a member of Concerned Library Users, the group suing the City, or the Library Users Association. wholesale jerseys "When we're marketing our area to folks, they want to know how easy it is to get here," said Jeff Rea, President of the St. Joseph County Chamber of Commerce. "And having that connection to New York is pretty significant, we think. Tracy Noble, spokeswoman for AAA Mid Atlantic, said a continued savings of 10 to 22 cents per gallon will continue to drive out of state residents to fill up in New Jersey, especially those that commute in for work. The increase also will provide a much needed investment in the state transportation infrastructure, making roads and bridges safe and improving those commutes. The gas tax increase is being sued to restore the state transportation trust...